Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So I woke up late because I forgot to reset my alarm so I didn't take a shower till 12pm which annoys me greatly. Then barely had enough time to eat and to top things off of fun things to do before an exam I found out my neck is bloody and raw again so I can't wear necklaces for a week or two. I went into math ready to take the test that didn't work out so well Carly and I both at some point relized we were most definitly going to fail it. Luckily we have a B or A in the class so it won't hurt us to bad. Now I'm about study for my Bio I also fund out I just have to study the packet not the words. Oh yea so I might have slightly annoyed Scrappy today because I was teasing her about this guy that she hangs out with which I won't ever do again lol. So I tried to study while doing my laundry and during rehearsal. OMG OMG OMG OMG I went to my private singing lesson and anyone who has sung in the choir knows what this is I sung a high A today ^_^ yay me! I finished the exam and I told my teacher I didn't want to know what I got on it ( I thought it was okay wasn't to hard) she said someone with your grade would be very concerned I told her I was but I want to have a good day tomorrow. I told my classmate that and she agreed with me saying she didn't want to think about that grade all day tomorrow either. Well My room is a mess but I'm not officially cleaning it till Spring haha. Don't worry I wash my sheets just not every week like once a week I might actually wash them tomorrow?. Hmmm OH! so I don't know when my mind will conform with society when it comes to health matters I mean when there are things out there like the flu, H1N1, west nile and what ever else we can think of. I don't I think my immune system is better off to get rid of it naturally because if it doesn't then I have a better shot of having a positive affect to medication.

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