Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Finals Week Pt.2

So today I had two finals I set three clocks to 7 o' clock so I can wake up for breakfast and goto breakfast with my friend Jourdan Beasley. So I am working on my paper amongst other things and I didn't goto bed I think till 5am which is really bad if you think about it haha. I just presumed that being as its only two hours away I'll be able to get up....WRONG!!!!! I don't wake up till 8:04am now keep in mind my English final was at 8am so I was quite a bit late and ended up being the last person there to turn it in. I didn't mind so much because I was focusing on the task ahead which at that time was the final haha. Afterwards Jourdan, Emma and I ate breakfast and I left to go back to my dorm and prepare for my next final. This one however is at 10:30am I actually made it to that one on time. The 3rd final is for my Voice & Diction class there were only six questions on the exam. I answered them all very easily. Now my main concern for the rest of the day and tomorrow till 2pm is my final for Literature of The Bible.

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