Sunday, May 16, 2010

First Dog + First Show= A new experience

Sooooo at the moment Ellie and I are prepping for the show and go. I bathed and combed her out last night when I got back home I did a bit of recall and off lead. I did a little this morning too. I hope when we get to Margot's we can fix a bit more. Unfortunately Ellie and I were unable to attend. This however isn't a total loss we have 3 weeks till the next show & go so we have time to work on our fronts and off lead work. I even took th opportunity to work Trevor, German Shepard, and the new board and train the new Shih Tzu puppy Max.

Trevor and I have been working for three days straight. I do the basic work like down and sit stays, stand, heeling, and recall. He got a lot better during the three days. It's just a pity that when he goes back home were gonna have to start all over again because well lets face it HIS OWNERS ARE NUTS. but its whatever I mean its not like I have a problem with it.

Max looks like a Ewok which is that bear thing in the suit in the movie Star Wars haha. No I'm not a Star Wars fan just have a good memory when it comes to physical features haha. I told his owner Eric the same thing he knew immediately what I was talking about haha Margot, Eric, and I had a short laugh about it. Max really is a cutie which is why I said jokingly "Uh oh, Rugby has competition" this is hard to seem because Rugby looks so cute when he works. So all Max and I did was the long down and longe line work.

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