Thursday, October 21, 2010

Conflicted and Indecisive

So I've changed my major again...for the third time, this time I want to fulfill a childhood dream of becoming a Paleontologist. For those who don't know what that is it is someone who studies and researches dinosaur fossils. Another tid bit is that I don't think I'll be transferring schools much to my dismay. It seems yet again I'm stuck in a situation I can't get out of because I let it go on for to long. It probably wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't the worst at studying.

I didn't realize how much of a rip off Ferrum College actually was until I started looking at different career's and major's I would be good at. It came to my attention slowly but steadily that they didn't really have a wide range of majors that catered to my interests. For instance, when I first sought out change I thought well I really like singing and dancing it's a stress relief and it's something I have always worked hard on. Learning different methods and ranges. Just like dog training I was hooked onto something I actually could do and could only get better at with time.

At first I was a double major in Pre-Vet and Theater( I don't know what I was thinking at the time because that was the worst idea ever) I've no clue what I thought I was going to get out of it by having both as my major. My advisor told me that maybe I should consider pursuing Acting as my career instead. This being because not only had I admitted I wasn't the greatest at math or science but the only classes I seemed to be doing well in at the time, this was my freshman year fall semester, was my theater classes. I thought to myself maybe she's right maybe I should major in Theater I mean at least I'm good at it. So I did I changed my major and became a Theater major my grades went up just like Wayne Bowman, theater arts professor, had told me it would. I probably would have kept at it if it would for my need for approval. I've no real experience in the acting world so I looked to others for what was good or bad. Long story short on this topic in order to become a great actor/actress you must be emotionally vulnerable which I am not.

The second change came along when this nagging voice in my head said "what about your dream of becoming a vet, you've wanted to heal animals and care for them and think about all the plans that were made in the future what about the animal radicals you and any other apprentice that has gone to Margot's needs to make them go away that can't happen if your off acting and singing and what not you were going to be the best how do you even know your good at what you do they could be lying for all you know plus the other theater majors don't even like you it's a constant game of cat and mouse will they like you this day or will they gang up on you and judge no ma'am you are smarter then they are so just study more and I'm sure you'll be a vet" So I said to myself "I don't want to be a theater major anymore it's to much 50% chance of success so I want to just minor in something where all I have to do is sing and dance" ha ha to bad that doesn't exist. I thought of a way to work around it, then a brilliant idea came into my mind I'll just continue with choir and make Dance my minor. That way I can still be a Vet and still enjoy dance. To bad they don't offer Dance as a minor or major at my college. I decided I was going to become a pre-vet major with a double minor in History and Philosophy. I've always taken an interest in history and philosophy is just something I'm naturally good at. This I should have known better I loathe going to science and math especially when I know I won't understand it but I try anyway hoping it was just my imagination. No I can learn math and science I'm sure I could eventually understand however I'm not good at it. I needed to be a major in something I was good at and wasn't completely lost in. That's when I decided to look for something else I can be successful in.

Finally my third major change took quite awhile being as I wanted to major in Zoology to bad they didn't offer it as usual my college disappointed me yet again. Then I thought I could be an archeology major! I am very observant and a good analyst plus I would get to travel like I always wanted to do and make discoveries. Of course they didn't offer Geology at my college either. So I choose to make History my major and Philosophy/Biology my least they fit together this time unlike my other choices. I haven't set it up yet well classes anyway or a new advisor but it's a work in progress. I have a good feeling this is the right choice this time.

To end this extremely exhausting blog post I only have one thing to say "I just wanna be successful" by Drake

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